
Games Like Dmc Devil May Cry

DMC3, DMC4... on PC..
want more?
Kingdom of Amalur.. OMG! its on sale-75% right at present.. hurry pal ;)
<3 Steam...


12 Sep, 2014 @ 3:45am

Originally posted by opennix:

DMC3, DMC4... on PC..
want more?
Kingdom of Amalur.. OMG! its on sale-75% right at present.. hurry pal ;)
<three Steam...

I got all ;)

and how KOA is like DMC? lol

Dynasty Warriors 8 is a practiced hack n' slash. Although I'd advice you not to buy it direct through Steam crusade the price is bonkers. gamemafia (as an example) sells the steam key for much, much less.

is DMC actually that adept? heard bad reviews about information technology as mostly people compare it to the older DMC titles like DMC four.

Originally posted by Dark Knight:

is DMC really that good? heard bad reviews about information technology equally mostly people compare it to the older DMC titles like DMC 4.

DmC is not "bad" every bit some says. The affair is it is merely dissappointing when compared to older games in the series. Ninja Theory doesn't have the same skill and endeavor in their combat. They make ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful games, no question about it, simply never that good gameplay.

DmC is worth a buy considering its a lot amend than most fashionable activeness games, but if you really wanna dig into the genre and become the best of the all-time currently available on Steam, then at that place is Devil May Cry 4 and also Metal Gear Rise. And if Bayonetta ane twenty-four hour period gets announced to PC, pray to thy gods for they have been proven to exist.

Terminal edited past _veleron; 12 Sep, 2014 @ 7:02am

Originally posted by _veleron:

Originally posted by The Singularious:

Marlow Briggs?
Nah, not fifty-fifty close.

Peradventure ?

I haven't played DmC. Definitely played the other two.

Just know Marlow is straight up activeness.

Yeah, it'south action etc, I played information technology also, but it's naught similar DMC.

and then we all concord ... no other options... maybe GOW Ii ? :P

DMC4 first and foremost. DMC3 is great as well, but the port is terrible. Darksiders 1 & 2 are pretty bones as far as hack-n-slashes become, merely if you like DmC y'all might have fun with them. If you lot still want more, try Castlevania LoS, the first ane, and and then Prototype 1 and/or 2. Might desire to also check out Marlow Briggs for depression-budget campy fun.


12 Sep, 2014 @ ix:22am

Originally posted by Zhnigo:

DMC4 first and foremost. DMC3 is great as well, but the port is terrible. Darksiders one & 2 are pretty basic as far as hack-n-slashes get, only if y'all similar DmC you might have fun with them. If yous however want more than, try Castlevania LoS, the first one, so Prototype 1 and/or two. Might want to too bank check out Marlow Briggs for low-budget campy fun.

I own all, thanks :)


12 Sep, 2014 @ ix:25am

Originally posted by Keasar:

DmC is not "bad" as some says. The thing is information technology is only dissappointing when compared to older games in the series. Ninja Theory doesn't have the same skill and effort in their combat. They make ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful games, no question well-nigh information technology, just never that expert gameplay.

This game looks and performs worse than Devil May Weep four.

Originally posted by Mockingbird:

Originally posted past Keasar:

DmC is not "bad" as some says. The thing is it is just dissappointing when compared to older games in the series. Ninja Theory doesn't accept the same skill and effort in their combat. They make ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beautiful games, no question about information technology, just never that good gameplay.
This game looks and performs worse than Devil May Cry iv.

That's odd. I take no performance issues. Everything runs smooth and nice really.


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